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Alteryx Auto Insights on VPC

This article describes how to deploy Alteryx Auto Insights to a virtual private cloud (VPC) environment.


All requirements listed on this page are compulsory.

A VPC installation of Auto Insights is not possible if the below requirements are not met.

Virtual Machine (VM) Requirements

The deployment of Auto Insights to a customer VPC requires a dedicated Virtual Machine (VM) to host the application. All components of Auto Insights are deployed to a single VM.

Hardware Requirements
  • 16 CPU cores

  • 128 GB RAM

  • A minimum of 50GB storage for OS Disk.

  • A minimum 200GB (500GB recommended) data disk, mounted at /data.

    • This disk is used for storing Docker containers, volumes, datasets, and related meta information.

Software Requirements
  • Docker 20.10.13+ (including the docker-compose-plugin package).

    • The default Docker root directory ( /var/lib/docker ) must be mounted to the data disk ( /data/docker ). Our team can assist with this if required.

  • MySQL 5.7 ( mysql:5.7 ) docker image

    • This docker image must be pre-pulled from Docker Hub. Once Docker is installed, this can be pulled with the command: docker pull .

Operating System
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or 9


Required access to the Auto Insights VM:

  • Remote terminal access to the VM with sudo privileges for deployment, ongoing troubleshooting, and maintenance. For example, PuTTY on a Virtual Desktop (Citrix Workspace, Amazon WorkSpaces, etc.) or SSH using a private key.

  • Web browser access to Auto Insights running in the VPC. For example, a web browser on a Virtual Desktop.

Other Application Requirements
  • SSO details to set up Single Sign-On (SSO).

  • A domain name and a matching SSL certificate for the application. Further details are under Network Requirements.

  • SMTP server credentials.

    • SMTP is used for sending emails to join Auto Insights, for password resets, and for automated insights.

    • We recommend creating a dedicated email account for Auto Insights.

Network Requirements

Domain Name

A human-readable domain name within a domain familiar to your end-users (for example, should point to the Auto Insights VM, where the application will be exposed on port 443.

You must provide our team with an SSL Certificate for the nominated domain.

Firewall and Allowlist


All inbound access to the Auto Insights VM is via:

  • HTTP/HTTPS ports (80/443)


For maximum effectiveness, Auto Insights connects to additional resources on your VPC and the public internet at runtime.

Front-end runtime (from end-user workstations):







Segment is used for event and usage tracking.

Back-end runtime (from the Auto Insights VM):




Your nominated email server

Auto Insights requires access to the mail server (SMTP + IMAP) for sending emails to join Auto Insights, for password resets, and for automated insights subscriptions. We recommend creating a dedicated email account for Auto Insights.




Segment is used for event and usage tracking.

Boomi (Case Portal)

Boomi is used to integrate with Alteryx Case Portal.


Slack is used for sending alerts when issues are detected in the environment.

Auto Insights Metrics API (Azure Function)

The Auto Insights Metrics API is used for license and usage tracking.

[optional] Azure OpenAI Service

United States:

  • East US:

  • East US:

Australia: Available on request.

United Kingdom and Europe: Available on request.

If enabled, Magic Documents uses Azure OpenAI Service to generate dynamic content for presentations, emails and messages.


Auto Insights can ingest data from internal databases or warehouses. Depending on infrastructure policies, you may need to allowlist the Auto Insights VM access to the database or data warehouse. For a full list of supported databases, please refer to this list.

Network Requirements During Deployment

Auto Insights requires ongoing access to a few internet resources to install dependencies, deploy components, and provide regular updates. Allowlist the following resources for Auto Insights VM to access:




Auto Insights Releases (S3 Bucket)



The Auto Insights Releases S3 Bucket is required for pulling Ansible playbooks used for the deployment of Auto Insights.

Amazon ECR




Amazon ECR is required for pulling Auto Insights container images from our private repository.

Auto Insights Auto Deployment Scheduler (AWS Lambda Function)

The Auto Insights Auto Deployment Scheduler is used to remotely trigger deployments of Auto Insights.

Proxy Support

If your organization’s firewall policy does not allow direct access to the sites above, Auto Insights does support connections via a proxy server.

To enable proxy mode, please ensure the following environment variables are configured on the Virtual Machine.