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Deployment and Integration

Cloud Deployment

Standalone Auto Insights Deployments (hosted on Microsoft Azure)

You can access Auto Insights at a URL like If configured, single sign-on makes logging in easy. Check the Data Hosting page for a list of available Auto Insights regions.

Network Requirements–Allowlist

Front end—from the end users’ workstation:*********

Data Source Options

With a cloud deployment, there are 3 options for ingesting data: Databases (on-premise and cloud) in Analytics Cloud, File Uploads in Analytics Cloud, Databases (on-premise and cloud) in Admin Portal, CSV File uploads in Admin Portal, and Uploading from Alteryx Designer.

Database Connectivity in Admin Portal

Auto Insights can connect to databases from a range of vendors. Allowlist the respective NAT-protected IP address:


For a full list of supported databases, refer to this list.

CSV Files in Admin Portal

CSV or zipped CSV files can be uploaded to Auto Insights.


The delimiter used in the flat file must be unambiguous and must not clash with data values and column names. We recommend putting double quotes around all values.

For all options, we suggest a Data Guide describing the meaning of each of the columns in the data, and an overview of the subject matter, ought to be provided.

There are benefits to connecting to a database and not a flat file:

  • Reuse database views containing business logic and data transformation logic

  • Speed up exploration and consumption of additional data for new use cases

  • Automate data refresh and eliminate effort and delayed manual extraction

  • Connecting to the data source of truth reduces the risk of data integrity issues

Unstructured data is currently not supported.

For more information on loading datasets via flat file, go to data preparation.Data Preparation

Upload from Alteryx Designer

The Auto Insights Uploader tool is available for Designer versions 2021.2 and newer, allowing datasets to be uploaded directly into Auto Insights. For further information on the Uploader, go to Auto Insights Uploader Tool.

Email Service Requirements

To support functions including user invites, sharing of Missions summary, and any other future email-based features of Auto Insights, emails are sent from the following email addresses:


The above domain should be allowlisted on the email server so that ' replies are not filtered incorrectly or placed in spam.


Email encryption: supports email transfer through an encrypted channel. Auto Insights does not currently support email content encryption.

Client Data

Client data (your organization’s data) is segregated into different files and database tables–meaning one client’s data does not exist in the same file or table as a different client and is protected by:

  • User access control in Auto Insights.

  • O/S user security using SSH public key (and not password).

  • Infrastructure security, firewall security, and network security.

Access Control Data

Access control data such as user logins and passwords are logically segregated in the database. This is secure because passwords are one-way hashed, meaning no one within or outside Auto Insights can see the password.

The database does not contain any client data or personally identifiable data except the first name, last name, email address, and organization name.

The database contains metadata for the client datasets for Auto Insights.

Access control data other than passwords are not encrypted.

Access Control

The Auto Insights Admin Portal feature controls user access rights. The controls can be at the user-, the group-, and organization level, and can be applied to data down to the row level.