版本 | 描述 |
v2.7.2 | Compatible with Designer 2021.4.2 Patch 6, 2022.1 Patch 4 and later. Compatible with AMP engine only. DCM is required for running this connector in Alteryx Server. Added certificate based authentication to SharePoint Files with service principal. This authentication can’t be used to impersonate a user. Fixed issue where SharePoint Output failed when creating a new sheet using dynamic file output. (TPM-4183, TPM-4130) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input returned an error when using DCM connection created in an earlier version of the tool. (TPM-4172) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input returned an error when using DCM connection created in an earlier version of the tool. (TPM-4172) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input failed to read more than 5000 rows using custom view in SharePoint List. (TPM-4148) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools couldn’t establish connection to SharePoint List OAuth. (TPM-4137, TDCE-644) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools couldn’t display content in a folder with the same name as the default folder Documents but with a different URL. (TPM-4131) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools returned an Incorrect URL error when the user authenticated to SharePoint On-Premises. (TPM-4128, TPM-3633) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output failed to create list with a specific column name. (TPM-4127) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output failed to append data from a file a null column with null rows. (TPM-4117) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output didn’t keep field in the output when naming the file. (TPM-4116) Fixed issue where the SharePoint failed to read data from or create a list with more that 5000 records in SharePoint On-Premises. (TPM-4107, TPM-4055) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input changed numeric string values. (TPM-4073) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output changed integer values. (TPM-4069) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools failed to connect through certain proxy servers. (TPM-4066) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input couldn’t read CSV files completely. (TPM-4065) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools failed to connect to SharePoint On-Premises. (TPM-4034) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input failed to read lookup fields from a list. (TPM-3945) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output fails to append data to sheets selected by a field. (TPM-3857) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input failed to read internal list data. (TPM-3724) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools failed to clear temporary folders. (TPM-3381) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools failed to clear temporary folders. (TPM-3381) Fixed issue where proxy credentials weren’t added to requests if manual proxy setup was used. (TDCE-511)
v2.7.0 | Compatible with Designer 2021.4.2 Patch 6, 2022.1 Patch 4 and later. Compatible with AMP engine only. DCM is required for running this connector in Alteryx Server. Added support for GCC tenants. Added an option to rename TXT files. Added support for UTF-8-BOM in CSV files. Fixed issue where SharePoint Output failed to overwrite sheets and tabs. (TPM-4002) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output didn't behave correctly when the Keep Field in Output checkbox was selected. (TPM-3950, TPM-3928) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input didn't load the Sites when the user signed in for the first time. (TPM-3946, TPM-3851, TPM-3842) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output didn't load files and folders until the user refreshed the tool. (TPM-3938) Fixed issue where the option to download the file locally for later processing didn't work properly. (TPM-3887) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input returned "Index out of Range" error when the List had no data. (TPM-3884) Fixed issue where the service principal didn't work properly. (TPM-3870) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools couldn't access data in calculated columns. (TPM-3864, TPM-3827) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input returned the "Python int too large to convert to C long" error. (TPM-3832) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output connected to a wrong tenant type. (TPM-3823) Fixed issue where the user interface became blank when a wildcard was entered in the file path. (TPM-3787) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input couldn't read CSV file encoded with UTF-8-BOM. (TPM-3766) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input returned the "Invalid extension" error. (TPM-349) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools returned the "day is out of range for month: 0" error. (TDCE-564) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools failed if a proxy was used. (TDCE-511) Fixed issue where special characters caused errors when overwriting lists. (TDCE-447) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools version 2.5.0 encountered various limits which weren't present in the previous versions. (TDCE-427) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output didn't retain data types. (TDCE-379)
v2.6.3 | Compatible with Designer 2021.4.2 Patch 6, 2022.1 Patch 4 and later. Compatible with AMP engine only. DCM is required for running this connector in Alteryx Server. Fixed issue where SharePoint Input returned an error when the Return Only List of Full Paths checkbox was selected. (TPM-3789)
v2.6.2 | Compatible with Designer 2021.4.2 Patch 6, 2022.1 Patch 4 and later. Compatible with AMP engine only. DCM is required for running this connector in Alteryx Server. Added an error log message when the SharePoint tools fail to authenticate. Fixed issue where SharePoint Output wasn’t behaving correctly when appending multiple columns. (TPM-3693) Fixed issues where SharePoint Input failed to download files locally. (TPM-3692, TPM-3460) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input read data as a wrong data type. (TPM-3688) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output returned an error when overwriting data with a fixed decimal. (TPM-3687) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output wrote date type data as strings. (TPM-3686) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output failed to create new sheets in XLSX and YXDB files. (TPM-3685) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output converted all data to string type data. (TPM-3591) Fixed issue where batching logic wasn’t behaving correctly. (TPM-3566) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input failed to read different data types in one column. (TPM-3468) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input returned an error about converting data types. (TPM-3456) Fixed issue where the SharePoint tools failed to read or write to files with special characters in the file name. (TPM-3454) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output failed to append data in the On-Premise version. (TPM-3430) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input failed to read list views with reserved characters in the view name. (TPM-3382) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input failed because of date type data in XLSX files. (TPM-3285) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input failed to download files locally to empty or invalid location. (TPM-3250) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output returned an error when writing blob data type data to YXDB files. (TPM-2391) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output incorrectly added time stamp when using certain file actions. (TPM-1816) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output didn’t return an error when the lookup value didn’t exist or it contained a special character. (TDCE-474) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input returned an error when reading data from Excel files. (TDCE-468) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input omitted data in columns with an underscore in the column name. (TDCE-403) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input failed to read custom views with more than 5000 rows. (TDCE-351)
Known Issues SharePoint Output fails to write data in columns with an underscore in the column name to Lists. (TPM-3795) SharePoint Input fails to correctly read datetime data from CSV files. (TPM-3793) SharePoint Input fails to display results in file search using cloud authentication. (TPM-3791) SharePoint Output fails to create files with special characters in file names. (TPM-3788) The user interface becomes blank in case of a wrong file extension input. (TPM-3787) SharePoint Input returns an error stating that the processed value exceeds the acceptable range. (TPM-3773) SharePoint Output returns wrong logs for abort action. (TPM-3689)
v2.6.1 | Compatible with Designer 2021.4.2 Patch 6, 2022.1 Patch 4 and later. Compatible with AMP engine only. DCM is required for running this connector in Alteryx Server. Updated existing file actions. Renamed Overwrite to Overwrite (Update Fields). This isn’t a breaking change, so you don’t need to reconfigure the tool. Added Overwrite (Keep Existing Columns).
Fixed issue where SharePoint Output’s Overwrite option took too long to finish. (TPM-3560) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output returned "Could not convert string to float" error. (TDCE-405) Fixed issue where SharePoint Output couldn’t process request due to server load. (TPM-3453) Fixed issue where SharePoint Input couldn’t process the metadata size correctly. (TPM-3497) Fixed issue where SharePoint tools weren’t mapping data types correctly. (TPM-3547)
v2.6.0 | 与 Designer 2021.4.2 补丁 6、2022.1 补丁 4 及更高版本兼容。 仅与 AMP Engine 兼容。 在 Alteryx Server 上运行此连接器需要 DCM。 已更新为在 Designer 2024.1 和更高版本上运行。 修复了 SharePoint 输入错误映射数据类型的问题。(TPM-3332) 修复了 SharePoint 输入将日期时间列作为字符串读取的问题。(TPM-3223) 修复了当用户选择服务主体作为其身份验证方法时,SharePoint 工具错误地打开浏览器身份验证的问题。(TFLN-1892) 修复了当用户选择服务主体作为其身份验证方法时,SharePoint 工具错误地打开浏览器身份验证的问题。(TFLN-1892) 修复了 SharePoint 输出无法在列表浏览器中加载超过 25 个列表的问题。(TFLN-1796) 修复了 SharePoint 输出列表无法正确更新记录的问题。(TDCE-279) 修复了 SharePoint 输出未能将“人员”数据类型的记录附加到列表的问题。(TDCE-275)
已知问题 在某些情况下,如果 SharePoint 列表输入的名称包含 #,则它无法读取某些列表或视图。(TPM-3382) 在某些情况下,运行 SharePoint 工具时,大量 WIN32STORE.PEM 文件仍保留在 AppData/Temp 文件夹下。(TPM-3381) 如果 SharePoint 列表的列名以下划线开头,则 SharePoint 输入无法读取。(TDCE-403) 在某些情况下,当用户连接到 SharePoint 的本地部署实例并选择读取文件时,SharePoint 工具将错误地显示“URL 不正确”错误。(TFLN-1980) 尝试将 Blob 写入 YXDB 时,SharePoint 输出可能返回“意外关键字”错误。(TPM-2391) 尝试覆盖 SharePoint 列表中的数据时,SharePoint 输出工具可能需要很长时间或返回错误。(TPM-3452、TPM-3478) SharePoint 工具当前使用直接连接错误地解析某些的 PAC 脚本,导致 SharePoint 工具中的身份验证失败。(TPM-2964)
v2.5.0 | 与 Designer 2021.4.2 补丁 6、2022.1 补丁 4 及更高版本兼容。 仅与 AMP Engine 兼容。 在 Alteryx Server 上运行此连接器需要 DCM。 移除了对 .shiv 文件夹的使用。 增加了对多地理位置租户的支持。 增加了对 SharePoint 2019 的支持。 现在,站点的下拉列表会在悬停时显示站点 URL。 修复了未将数据传递到 SharePoint 输出工具时工作流无限期运行的问题。(TPM-2131) 修复了从 SharePoint 本地访问文件导致错误“预期值:第 1 行第 1 列(字符 0)”的问题。 (TPM-2602) 修复了将默认 SharePoint 列表字段包含在所选列表视图中时重复的问题。 (TPM -2967) 修复了当用户的 AD 用户名包含空格时,SharePoint 连接器显示“读取端口分配失败”错误的问题。 (TPM-2141) 修复了无论是否选中“在输出中保留字段”,SharePoint 输出始终在输出数据中保留工作表名称字段的问题。 (TDCE-240) 修复了 SharePoint 输出无法使用电子邮件地址将记录附加到具有“人员”或“组”数据类型字段的列表的问题。 (TPM-2020) 修复了 SharePoint 连接器无法读取和写入文件名中包含特殊字符(如“#”)的文件的问题。(TPM-2619) 修复了 SharePoint 输入有时不正确地从 SharePoint 列表读取托管元数据数据类型的问题。(TPM-2663) 修复了在 SharePoint 列表中使用更新插入操作会创建重复记录的问题。(TPM-1875) 修复了使用 SharePoint 列表中的覆盖操作创建的记录比预期多的问题。(TDCE-225) 修复了写入 XLSX 时 SharePoint 输出将“NA”值替换为空白的问题。(TPM-2577) 修复了 SharePoint 输出无法写入包含固定十进制元数据的 YXDB 文件的问题。(TPM-2965) 修复了当 ID 列被选为主列时,SharePoint 输出无法更新列表的问题。(TPM-2872) 修复了 SharePoint 输入无法从以大写字母 S 开头的 SharePoint 站点读取的问题。(TPM-2620) 修复了 SharePoint 输出无法在 SharePoint 列表中插入超过 800 条记录的问题。(TPM-2556) 修复了 SharePoint 工具忽略单个代理环境中的代理设置的问题。(TFLN-1804) 修复了以纯文本或 JSON 格式下载 PAC 时,工具无法连接的问题。(TPM-2927)
v2.4.2 | 与 Designer 2021.4.2 补丁 6、2022.1 补丁 4、2022.3 补丁 3 及更高版本兼容。 仅与 AMP Engine 兼容。 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 列表输出无法更新前 100 条记录之后的记录。 (TDCE-126) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 列表输入在生成的结果数据集中不包含任何查找值。 (TDCE-187) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 列表输出无法附加 Choice 数据类型的记录。 (TPM-2125) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 列表输出在主列被重命名后无法更新列表。 (TPM-2215) SharePoint 输出现在使用分号 ; 作为多个选择的分隔符。
已知问题 |
v2.4.1 | 与 Designer 2021.4.2 补丁 6、2022.1 补丁 4、2022.3 补丁 3 及更高版本兼容。 仅与 AMP Engine 兼容。 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 输入无法将具有日期或日期时间字段的文件识别为有效 YXDB 文件。 (TPM-758) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 输出到列表时仅更新前 100 条记录。(TDCE-126) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 输出工具不显示由 SharePoint API 发送的 InvalidClientQueryException 错误。 (TDCE-136) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 输出不向以下划线开头的列表字段写入数据。 (TDCE-137) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 输入的“仅将文件下载到本地”选项对 XLSX、CSV 和 YXDB 以外的文件不起作用。 (TFLN-1296, TPM-1956) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 输出在设置为覆盖 XLSX 文件中特定工作表时也修改其他工作表。 (TPM-1575) 修复了以下问题:在使用 Int16、Int32、Int64、Date 和 Datetime 数据类型创建或附加列表时,SharePoint 输出失败。 (TPM-1803) 修复了以下问题:默认 SharePoint 列表字段在 SharePoint 列表中设置为可见时被写入两次。 (TPM-1876) SharePoint 本地现在支持 NTLM 代理身份验证。 (TPM-1922)
已知问题 |
v2.4.0 | 与 Designer 2021.4.2 补丁 6、2022.1 补丁 4、2022.3 补丁 3 及更高版本兼容。 仅与 AMP Engine 兼容。 修复了以下问题:从列表输入某些数据类型时,SharePoint 输入会返回转换错误。 (TPM-1848) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 输出将日期字段更改为未来 70 年。 (TPM-1822) 修复了以下问题:通过空白列表创建列表时,SharePoint 输入无法读取列表中的某些列。 (TPM-1726) 修复了以下问题:当 ID 列被选为更新操作的主列时,SharePoint 输出未能更新列表。 (TPM-1297) 修复了以下问题:SharePoint 输入在已经应用视图的情况下仍然读取整个列表。 (TDCE-104)
已知问题 |
v2.3.0 | 与 Designer 2021.4.2 补丁 6、2022.1 补丁 4 及更高版本兼容。 仅与 AMP Engine 兼容。 增加了对包含特殊字符的证书的支持。 增加了对 NTLM 代理身份验证的支持(评估)- 仅限 SharePoint 365。 重新添加了对 SharePoint 本地(2013 和 2016 版)的支持。 修复了读写各种 SharePoint 列表数据类型的问题。 修复了读取“N/A”值的问题。
已知问题 |
v2.2.0 | 与 Alteryx Designer 和 Server 2021.4.2 补丁 4、2022.1 补丁 2 及更高版本兼容。 仅与 AMP Engine 兼容。 增加了对 DCM 的支持。 FIPS 功能。 增加了将文件夹和文件下载到本地以便稍后处理的选项。 暂时取消了对 SharePoint 本地(2013 和 2016 版)的支持。 将工具重命名为“SharePoint 输入”和“SharePoint 输出”。 更改了将工作表名字段从写入数据中排除的行为。增加了保留工作表名字段的选项。 现在会针对 Windows 证书存储执行 SSL/TLS 验证。 服务主体身份验证可以利用 Sites.Selected 而不是 Sites.All 权限。
v2.1.0 | |
v2.0.1 | 与 Alteryx Designer 2021.3.4 版及更高版本兼容。 SharePoint 文件输入现在包含列表读取功能。 所有工具都使用用户的浏览器而不是嵌入的 CEF,以符合条件访问策略。 SharePoint 365 基于用户的身份验证的有效期最长为 6 个月,具体取决于用户的 Azure 策略。
v1.1.1 | |
v1.1.0 | |
v1.0.x | 与 Alteryx Designer 2021.2.2 版及更高版本兼容。 初始版本。 具有使用自定义 Azure 应用程序的选项的内置多租户 Azure 应用程序(包括单租户应用程序)。 支持读取和写入 XLSX、CSV 和 YXDB 文件格式。 支持代理。 需要 SharePoint 365。