Proxy Settings
2024.2 Release: Public Preview
The new method for configuring proxy authentication in Designer is in Public Preview.
While in public preview, the new proxy configuration has some limitations. Review these in the Important Notes and Limitations section below.
Please also note that you can continue to use the previous proxy configuration or explore these new options.
When you use Alteryx Designer, you often need to communicate with the internet. For example, you might use a tool in your workflow (for example, the Download tool) that needs to access the internet to fetch information. While you can connect directly to the internet, this option might not align with your organization’s security requirements.
A proxy server lets you route network traffic between your network and the internet through an intermediary. It lets you add an extra layer of security between your network and the internet.
You can configure proxy settings directly in Designer, via User Settings. Refer to the instructions below to get started.
Configure Proxy Settings in Alteryx Designer
The 2024.2 updates to the proxy configuration are in Public Preview and specific to Alteryx Designer only. The proxy settings in Designer and DCM are not synced with Server.
Alteryx now provides a new method for handling proxy servers in a network and introduces new inputs. You can access these proxy settings via the Designer User Settings. Go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings, and select the Proxy tab.
Next, select Enable New Proxy Settings (Preview) to enable the new Public Preview proxy configuration options and configure the following settings.
Proxy Selection
Select the type of proxy that you want to configure. If your proxy requires authentication, configure this via the Proxy Authentication section below. You have several options for proxy selection:
Never Use Proxy: Select this option if you don't want to use a proxy to access the internet.
Use Internet Options Settings: This is the default option. With this option selected, Designer consumes the proxy settings that you define via your computer's Network and Internet settings, including the exceptions list. To set up a proxy for use with this setting, go to your computer’s Network and Internet settings and configure your proxy settings there. When you select this option, you also need to choose a DCM connection via the Proxy Authentication section or create a new connection via DCM. Note that this proxy selection allows for multiple connection methods if needed.
The DCM connections that you use for this setting should leave the Address and Request Protocol fields blank.
Consume PAC file at this location: A PAC file is a JavaScript function with logic that determines whether a network request goes directly to the destination or is forwarded to a proxy server. Enter a path to the location of your PAC script. This can be a full URI path or a full path to a local file. When you select this option, you also need to choose a DCM connection via the Proxy Authentication section or create a new connection via DCM. Note that this proxy selection allows for multiple connection methods if needed.
Examples of valid URI paths:
.Example of a valid local file path:
The DCM connections that you use for this setting should leave the Address and Request Protocol fields blank.
Manual: Select this option to provide all proxy details manually via Designer. This essentially lets you define the host name of the required proxy directly in Designer. When you select this option, you also need to choose a DCM connection via the Proxy Authentication section or create a new connection via DCM. Note also that the Manual option allows for only one connection via the Proxy Authentication section.
The Manual option requires that you specify a proxy type (HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS5h) and proxy server address via DCM.
Designer uses the proxy server address (as well as any additional connection settings) that you provide when you configure the DCM connection.
Exceptions: For use with the above Manual option. Select Bypass Proxy Selection... to add a comma-separated list of host names that should not use a proxy when accessed. You can also enter a single asterisk ('*') to match all hosts. If a host name in the exclusion list starts with a dot (.), then the name matches that entire domain. For example,
Proxy Authentication
Use Proxy Authentication to configure the authentication type (Basic, NTLM, Windows Negotiate) and credentials needed to connect through the proxy or proxies selected above.
Select Connection: Use the dropdown to select existing connections (created via DCM) or select Create New Connection to launch DCM and configure your proxy connection. For more information on this process, refer to Create a New Connection and Credentials for Proxy via DCM.
Selected Connections (topmost preferred): Use the provided field and the up and down arrow icons to rearrange existing connections in order of priority. Your proxy connection uses the connections in the order you set here. Use the – (minus) icon to remove any existing connections that you no longer want to use.
Create a New Connection and Credentials for Proxy via DCM
If your proxy server requires authentication, you need to create a connection and associated credentials. If you are using the Manual proxy option, you need to create a connection that specifies the address/host name of your proxy server, as well as associated credentials, if required. This is done via Data Connection Manager (DCM) in Designer.
In the Proxy Authentication section of Designer’s User Settings, use the Select Connection dropdown to select Create New Connection to launch the Connection Manager window. Alternatively, via Designer’s main menu, go to File > Manage Connections > Proxy Servers and select the + New button.
Once here, you can configure your proxy server and authentication.
Select the proxy server technology via the Technology dropdown. Your options are…
Any Proxy Type: If you select this option, the proxy type is taken from the PAC file/Internet Options. Always use this option unless you select the Manual proxy or want to fine-tune your proxy settings for different proxy types.
HTTP Proxy
SOCKS5h Proxy
Enter a name for this Data Source in the Data Source Name field. This label will be used to reference this proxy server later in DCM and the Proxy User Settings, so it’s important to provide a descriptive name that will help you identify this connection later.
Enter the proxy server address via the Address field. This is required when using the Manual option of the Proxy Selection. Otherwise, the proxy server address is provided by the PAC file/Internet Options settings. In that case, this field is optional and is used to match DCM proxy connections to the selected proxy server URL.
Example proxy host name address:
Example proxy IP address:
(Optional) In the Request protocol field, select the request protocol for your proxy server. Use this option if you only want to use this connection for a specific protocol, like FTP. Your options are…
Select Save.
Next, you have the option to create the credentials to authenticate to your proxy server.
Select + Connect Credential to get started.
Select your authentication method via the Authentication Method dropdown. Currently, username and password are the only supported credential types for all of these methods. To do Windows Integrated authentication, select the authentication method and leave the Credential information blank in DCM. These are the authentication methods that are currently supported:
No Authentication
Windows Negotiate (SPNEGO/Kerberos)
Next, use the Credential dropdown to select Create New Credential. You can also select an existing credential (if previously created).
Enter a Credential Name. Once again, this is a label for you to reference later if needed.
Vault: If no vault connection exists beyond the local DCM storage, the Vault dropdown is not displayed. If a vault connection is established, the dropdown is available, with DCM local storage preselected. If configured, you can then choose your preferred vault, for example, HashiCorp or CyberArk and select the username and password from the vault. For more information, go to DCM External Vaults. Note that your vault itself has to be reachable without the use of a proxy.
Enter the Username and Password associated with the new credential to authenticate to your proxy server.
Select the Create and Link button to finish.
Modifier la connexion proxy et les informations d'identification
Après avoir créé votre connexion proxy et les informations d'identification associées, vous pouvez modifier ces détails si nécessaire. Vous pouvez le faire via DCM.
Modifier la connexion proxy
Pour modifier votre connexion proxy…
Dans Designer, accédez à Fichier > Gérer les connexions pour ouvrir DCM.
Sélectionnez l'onglet Serveurs proxy à gauche pour accéder à toutes les connexions proxy que vous avez créées.
Localisez la connexion à modifier, puis sélectionnez son nom pour afficher les détails de la connexion. Vous pouvez afficher ici les informations qui ont été fournies lors de la création de la connexion, ainsi que les informations d'identification liées. Vous avez également la possibilité de Connecter les informations d'identification si vous en avez besoin.
Sélectionnez le bouton Modifier pour apporter des modifications à la connexion. Mettez à jour les paramètres Nom de source de données, Adresse et Demander le protocole, si nécessaire.
Sélectionnez Enregistrer pour finaliser vos modifications ou Annuler pour revenir à l'écran précédent.
Modifier les informations d'identification du proxy
Pour modifier vos informations d'identification du proxy…
Dans Designer, accédez à Fichier > Gérer les connexions pour ouvrir DCM.
Sélectionnez l'onglet Informations d'identification à gauche de la fenêtre Gestionnaire de connexions pour accéder à toutes vos informations d'identification précédemment créées. Cela inclut toutes les informations d'identification, pas seulement celles qui sont associées aux connexions proxy.
Localisez les informations d'identification que vous devez modifier et sélectionnez le nom des informations d'identification pour en afficher les détails. Vous pouvez afficher ici les informations qui ont été fournies lors de la création des informations d'identification, ainsi que les connexions qui utilisent actuellement ces informations d'identification.
Sélectionnez le bouton Modifier pour mettre à jour les informations d'identification. Mettez à jour les paramètres Méthode, Nom d'identification, Nom d'utilisateur et Mot de passe si nécessaire.
Sélectionnez Enregistrer pour finaliser vos modifications ou Annuler pour revenir à l'écran précédent.
Migrating from Previous Proxy Configuration
The new proxy configuration is in Public Preview in the 2024.2 release. You can continue to use the previous proxy configuration or explore the new options. To use the new configuration options, you need to select the Enable New Proxy Settings checkbox in the Proxy tab of Designer’s User Settings.
If you want to use the new proxy settings and you previously provided proxy credentials (username and password) via the previous settings, you need to recreate those credentials via DCM (as described above).
Important Notes and Limitations
While in public preview, the new proxy configuration has some limitations. Review these in the Important Notes and Limitations section below.
Input Data tool, Output Data tool, In-Database:
ODBC drivers:
DSN-less using DCM: No proxy options are available (except from Snowflake).
DSN (both DCM or DCM-less): It's possible to configure a proxy in DSN.
Raw ODBC connection string: You can configure a proxy in the connection string parameters.
OCI: You can configure a proxy at the TNS level.
OleDB: You can configure a proxy at the driver level.
Bulk loaders:
Google BigQuery supports the new proxy options.
All other bulk loaders are not currently supported with the new proxy options..
HDFS and Spark Direct: No proxy support.
Download tool: This tool supports the new proxy options.
Email tool and the Send Email Event: These support the new proxy options.
Connector tools:
Amazon S3 Download and Upload tools: These tools support the new proxy options.
All other Connectors are not currently supported with the new proxy options.
Designer: Only Marketplace Add-Ons (Add-Ons > Manage Marketplace Add-Ons) supports the new proxy options.