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App Builder Main Menus


App Builder is a new and evolving product available with the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform. Functionality is subject to change without notice as we continue to refine and enhance your experience. We appreciate your understanding and welcome your feedback on Alteryx Community as we continue to improve App Builder!

Access various windows and common actions from the main menu in App Builder.

Switch Apps

Use the grid icon to switch to other Alteryx Analytics Cloudapps.

File Menu

These options are specific to creating and working with apps.

  • New Application: Create a new app.

  • Open: Open a saved app.

  • Open Recent: Select from a list of your 3 most recently opened apps, including your current app.

  • Save: Save the active app.

  • Duplicate: Create a copy of the app.

  • Rename: Enter a new name for the app.

  • Revert to Published Version: Reverts an app to the last published version. This undoes any changes made in Sandbox since the last publish.

  • Unpublish: If an app has been published, unpublish the app.

View Menu

Change the visual components of App Builder.

  • Tool Descriptions: When enabled, tool descriptions appear when you hover over a tool in the Orchestrate and Design tabs.

Edit Menu

Change the App Builder display settings.

  • Undo : Undo previous change.

  • Redo: Redo previous change.


A message will display to alert you that you have reached the limit once you have reverted or redone all changes or reached a maximum of 10 changes.

  • Canvas Settings: Change how the canvas is displayed in App Builder. Select the Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile tab to change how the canvas is displayed for different screen sizes.

    • Default: These are the default canvas settings.

    • Custom: Select Custom to change the default canvas settings.

      • Row Height: Determines the height of rows.

      • Cell Margins: Determines the spacing between cells.

      • Canvas Padding: Determines the spacing around an element's content.


To submit feedback about App Builder, select the megaphone icon.


Access resources such as Community, documentation, Alteryx Support, and more.