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Text Elements in App Builder


App Builder is a new and evolving product available with the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform. Functionality is subject to change without notice as we continue to refine and enhance your experience. We appreciate your understanding and welcome your feedback on Alteryx Community as we continue to improve App Builder!

Add text to your app using Text elements.

Add and Remove Text Elements

To add a Text element to the canvas, drag and drop the element from the Building Blocks palette inside a container on the canvas.

To remove a Text element. select the element to highlight it, and then select the trash icontrash-icon.png.


Use Heading to to format text for the beginning of a new section. Headings make your text stand out and helps improve the readability of your app.

Configure the Element

  1. Select the Heading Style. The size of the text is shown for each heading style.

  2. Select the heading Color.

  3. Enter the Content, which is the text that is displayed in your Heading element. You can either enter your Content in the element configuration panel or directly in the element on the canvas.

  4. Select the Horizontal Alignment.

  5. Select Save.


Use Paragraph to add text content to your app.

Configure the Element

  1. Enter the Content, which is the text that is displayed in your Paragraph element. You can either enter your Content in the element configuration panel or directly in the element on the canvas.

  2. Select the Horizontal Alignment.

  3. Select Save.


Set custom spacing for your Building Blocks. Enter the number of pixels to add a margin to the TopBottomLeft, and Right sides of your element.

Conditional Logic

Add conditional logic for your elements, which determines whether the element is displayed:

  1. Select a variable for Only Display If.

  2. Select an Operator.

  3. Select a Value, which is the value stored by the variable until changed by a Set Variables tool.