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Trino Connections

Trinois a distributed SQL query engine designed to query large data sets distributed over one or more heterogeneous data sources. For more information, see


This connection is in early preview. It is read-only and available only in SaaS product editions. For more information on early previews, see Early Preview Connection Types.

Limitations and Requirements


During normal selection or import of an entire table, you may encounter an error indicating a problem with a specific column. Since some tables require filtering based on a particular column, data from them can only be ingested using custom SQL statements. In this case, the problematic column can be used as a filter in the WHERE clause of a custom SQL statement to ingest the table.

  • For more information, please consult the CData driver documentation for the specific table.

  • For more information on using custom SQL, see Create Dataset with SQL.


For filtering date columns, this connection type supports a set of literal functions on dates. You can use these to reduce the volume of data extracted from the database using a custom SQL query. For more information, see the pg_dateliteralfunctions.htm page in the driver documentation for this connection type.

  • Trino supports NoAuth and Basic (LDAP) authentication.

  • Trino has double PATH metadata, that is, Catalog and Schema. You can import tables only after the selection of Catalog and Schema.


    Where, mysql is the catalog and classicmodels is the Schema.

  • While importing data through custom SQL, insert custom SQL statements as SELECT * from catalog.schema.tableName.

Create Connection

via Cloud Portal

When you create the connection, please review the following properties and specify them accordingly:

Connection Property



The host name or IP address of the Trino REST server. Example:

Enable SSL

Select the checkbox to enable SSL connections to Trino.

Connect String Options

The following value sets the connection timeout:


For using with out SSL, a certification file is required, UseSSL=true;Timeout=0;SSLServerCert=/Users/skakita/trino_cert.cer. (if not trusted certificate is used).

If you enable SSL, use this: UseSSL=true;SSLServerCert=* The above is used to trust any kind of SSL certificate.

* Implies wild card, that is, ignore SSL certificate validation.


The port for the Trino REST server. The default value is 8080.

Credential Type

The scheme used for authentication. The following are the available options:

  • NoAuth: If the Trino server runs without authentication.

  • Basic: If the Trino server runs in File or LDAP authentication mode.


If you select Basic, then the User Name and Password fields are displayed.

User Name

Username to connect to Trino.


The password associated with the above user name.

Default Column Data Type Inference

Leave this value as Enabled.

For more information, see the driver documentation

via API

Depending on your product edition, you can create connections of this type. Key information:

"vendor": "trino_db",
"vendorName": "Trino DB",
"type": "jdbc"

For more information, see

Coming soon.

Data Type Conversions

For more information, see the driver documentation