With LiveQuery you can use cloud data processing while building your cloud native workflow. LiveQuery provides seamless access to your cloud data warehouse, enabling you to work seamlessly in Designer Cloud without the need to move or replicate data into your Alteryx environment. This capability allows you to work directly with your entire dataset in real time, rather than relying on a sample.
As a Workspace Admin, go to Profile menu > Workspace Admin > Settings to enable users to utilize LiveQuery.
To use LiveQuery, log in to your Alteryx Analytics Cloud account, go to Options on the top bar, and enable the LiveQuery.
Supported Connections
LiveQuery allows you to connect directly to your cloud data warehouses on Snowflake or Databricks.
For the Input, only CDW or CSV is supported as a source.
DatetimeNow and Text Input tools are not supported.
Transform tools are not currently supported (Regex, Find Replace, Unique, Cross Tab, Arrange Transpose, Dynamic Rename).
Complex data types like array, map, struct, variant, and binary are not supported.