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Failover Controller(s) Configuration

The next step is to configure your failover controller(s). To ensure a seamless failover, each controller in the cluster needs to use the same controller token and Storage Keys for encryption.

  • For each failover controller, complete the Controller setup per the primary controller setup.

  1. After configuring each failover node, you need to set the Controller Token on each of the Controller failover nodes.

    1. Open an Administrative Command Prompt.

    2. In the command prompt, navigate to the Alteryx Server installation Directory (default: C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin).

    3. Run the following command, replacing {Controller Token} with the value copied from step 3 of the Primary Controller Configuration: AlteryxService.exe setserversecret={Controller Token}

      Run the following command, replacing {Controller Token} with the value copied from step 3 of the Primary Controller Configuration.
    4. Confirm that the Controller Token was set by running the following command: AlteryxService.exe getserversecret

    5. If running, stop the AlteryxService with the following command: net stop AlteryxService

  2. Finally, you need to copy the StorageKeysEncrypted value from the primary Controller to each of the nodes in the failover cluster.

    1. Open Notepad on the primary Controller.

    2. From the File menu, select Open.

    3. Open the RuntimeSettings.xml file located at C:\ProgramData\Alteryx.

  3. From the Controller section, copy the StorageKeysEncrypted key.








  4. On each of the Failover nodes in the cluster:

    1. Open Notepad as an administrator.

    2. From the File menu, select Open.

    3. Open the RuntimeSettings.xml file located at C:\ProgramData\Alteryx.

    4. Replace the StorageKeysEncrypted key with the value copied from the primary Controller.

    5. Save the RuntimeSettings.xml file.

    6. Close Notepad.